You really are the kind of person that wants the best for your horse.
You read articles and watch training videos. You buy the best feed, supplements and supplies. You take riding lessons and send your horses to trainers. You have the vet and farrier keep them in good physical health and you make sure that they have the best daily care possible. Your tack bucket is filled with liniments, ointments, fly sprays, shampoos, conditioners, all different kinds of brushes for all different places, wraps, horse treats – you name it, it’s in there.
But, there’s still something that doesn’t feel quite right. You feel like there’s something more you could be doing to improve your relationship and your time at the barn. And you’re right, but it’s not about buying more stuff or getting your heels down further. It’s about something internal. It’s about understanding yourself in order to be the best human for your horse.
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The idea of transformation implies that there are some things in your life that you’re not satisfied with. You want to feel better and be a happier person overall, but you’re just feeling a bit stuck with no clear idea of how to move forward. You want to stop surviving life with all of its’ bumps and turns and start truly thriving.
You’re ready to take the reins of life and make some changes.
A deep dive into the world of horses, nature and coaching practices may be just what you need in order to jump start your thriving life.
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